Thursday, September 15, 2011

Unique Tribal Rituals of Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Cleaning and Replacing Clothes Ancestral Remains

One of the unique culture in the land of Toraja, South Sulawesi namely the ceremonial change of clothing bodies of his ancestors. The ceremony is known as, Ma'nene.

Practically unique and distinctive, given a special ritual performed by a community Ma'nene Baruppu, in the interior of North Toraja. Ma'nene ritual performed every 3 years and is usually done in August.

Why in the month? Because Ma'nene ceremony should only be carried out after the harvest. The fall harvest season in August.

Indigenous people believe that if the ritual Ma'nene Toraja not done before the harvest, it will be rice fields and fields will be damaged by the many mice and worms that come suddenly.

History Ma'nene ritual originated from an animal hunter named Pong Rumasek, who came to the mountain forests Balla. At that time, Pong found a human body that had died with the condition is quite alarming. By Pong, the bodies were brought and worn clothing appropriate for burial in a safe place.

Since of that, Pong consecutive blessed. His crops harvested earlier than the usual time. When he was hunting, hunting Pong often get easily. And while hunting in the forest, Pong is often met with the ghost of her care and then spirits are helping in the hunt for clues Pong way.
With this event, Pong assume that bodies of the dead even have to still have to be treated and respected, although the body is out of shape again.
Pong then pass on to residents Baruppu amanahnya. And by the Baruppu, trust Pong maintained with continued implementation of these Ma'nene ritual.
Ma'nene procession itself begins by visiting the location where their ancestors are buried in the local cemetery in Lembang patane Paton, Sariale District, North Toraja regency capital. The bodies of their ancestors kept in crates that have been given a preservative.
Before it opened, and in the lift of the chest, the elders commonly known as Ne 'Tomina Lumba, recited prayers in the language of ancient Toraja. After that, the body is removed and cleaned from top of head to toe with a brush or a clean cloth. After that, then the bodies are applied in the new clothes and then re-laid in the coffin earlier.
During the procession, some of the men formed a circle to sing songs and dance which symbolizes sadness. Songs and movement in order to encourage the dance of the families left behind.  

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